Friday, October 24, 2008

Clean Up Weekend

I have been exceptionally busy the last couple of weeks with work so I have let the house work slllidddde. Our house is tiny but it is easily destroyed. I am thinking that maybe if I put it in writing out on the blogosphere my motivation and actions will catch up to one other. This is the weekend of redemption. I need to go through toys, summer/fall clothes, organize countless tid- bits of things that have scurried out of the spot. I will try to take before and after pictures and upload so you can know that I am not kidding. Mission Organization and Clean Sweep would have a field day in my home in its present condition. Several people have asked me how do you get everything done. Well yes my family looks presentable but my house is a sight unseen. My husband wants me to involve the boys in the effort more. I know I need to and have tried but it has all fallen off in a ravine. Well anyway I am now leaving to start my mission. I will not be detracted by a cozy couch and novel. I will succeed or my house might eat me!!

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