Friday, October 3, 2008

Creativity Unleashed - Boy Style

We do not watch TV on Sundays until after pm church services at home. We actually do not allow Zeke to watch much more than 30 min of TV during the school week because of the time available and committment to reading and school prep. This particular Sunday my husband, Elijah and I took a nap. Zeke and Ty were told they could play inside or read. I awoke to a quiet house and became concerned. I walked in to the kitchen and it was covered in a craft explosion. They had made cookies from styrofoam and playdough, and we working on a snow playland. So here are the fruits of their creative side. They helped to clean up the mess but we went outside and they finished their landscape and climbed some trees. Who says kids don't use their imagination anymore. Who says kids don't play outside any more. If they do not have unlimited access to media whether it is Wii, TV, Computer etc. they will do what kids to best: engage in learning, creativity, fun and physical play. We have to limit Zeke's access because he would chose media over reading and homework any day of the week.

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